About Me

Portrait of Cynthia sitting in foreground with Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece in the background.

Hi! 👋 I’m Cynthia. I'm a UXR and digital experience strategist, with a background in graphic design and front-end web development. Currently working on project-based user experience design contracts with Apple.

I have experience working at Fortune 500 companies and fast-growing YC startups. My range of responsibilities held over a variety of IC roles have led me to well-rounded experience to see the big picture strategy and understand the granular nuances of execution of an entire digital product lifecycle. With insights from a variety of organizations and workflows, I am able to quickly synthesize and analyze cross-functional needs to align organizational goals and business strategies.

Tech stack:

  • Adobe Creative Suite, Figma, Miro, Maze, Usertesting.com
  • Javascript, Typescript, React, Vue, Sass, Node, Gulp, Webpack, Storybook, Jest, Nightwatch
  • Adobe Experience Manager, Marketo, Webflow
Portrait of Cynthia sitting in foreground with Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece in the background.

Mixed Research Methods

My research approach consists of a range of UX research methods. I choose my method based on stakeholder input, constraints such as budget and timeline, and the questions we are trying to answer.

Affinity Mapping
Contextual Inquiry 

Consolidation Models
Rapid Prototype
Annotated Wireframes
User Evaluations

get in touch

Use the contact form to request more information about my case studies or to say hello! Feel free to connect, send me a message!

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